Friday, May 1, 2009

swine flu ?

manyee this flu thingyy is scaring mehhh ;
alot of skool events are getting cancelled ;
all u.i.l thingss are cancelled ;
track regionals has been reschedule ;
&& other extra curricular thingss are being cancelled or being reschedule like baseball ;
&& now they might cancel the drake concert ?
but i aint trippen anyways cause they ran out of tickets . . .

i heard it came from those mexican immigrants ;
like forreals ?
if yur gonna cross the darn border come cleannn !
ughhhh we dont need i am legend or the black death to happen again;

&& this its airborne . . .
so if someone just coughs on mehh && isnt even aware they haveee it ;
BOOM ! i would have it . . .
but GOD forbid ;
one of the symptoms is a headache ;
OMGGG ! i had one last night :o ;

im actually sorta scared ;
some hispanic gurl in our skool has it ;
she was shaking && wearing an oxygen mask on && was rushed to the hospital ;
our district is suppose to have a meeting deciding if there going to shut down ALL skools in cy-fair district for 10 days . . .
i kinduh hope we do cause i need an effing break ;
but then again our summer would prolly be shorter ;

&& those darn animals up there is where this swine influenza originated from ;
even the Bible warns us not to eat pork ;
hmmmmmmmmm maybe this is a warning that the world is comming to an end ;
but i cant help myself from eatting pork becausee it tastes sooo good . . .
but anywayss back to this virsus ;
mayneee they dont even have a cure for it yet ;

now i cant even bum off of other peoples food ;
&& now i have to wash my handsss =/ ;
jk ;
i alwaysss do (;

1 comment:

  1. lol...this is funny
    but true!
    Hate washing my hands:(
