Friday, June 19, 2009

ghettO much ?

watch this video :

im just glad my parents actually thought bout my future when naming meh ;
what do i look like with the name Bufanaquishria or Shataniana ?
i have somewhere to be in life & i want my name to be rememebered by ;
but not because of how ghetto it sounds . . .
but because of what i did ;
its actually sad but true that people do judge you by what yur name is or sounds like ;
my full name is joyce boluwatife sadiku ;
&& yes all three names have meaning ;
not parts of my parents name combined together ;
joyce means the joyful one ;
boluwatife means what the Lord wants ;
&& sadiku means the honest man ;


& stay tuned till the next entry . . .

eye for eye ?

right butt cheek for a left butt cheek?
why cant people just be the bigger person ?
why must every be out to get each other ?
why must people still be childish in their ways ?
why do people like to put others in misery ?
why cant people just forgive each other ?
why must people make a vendetta list ?
getting revenge on someone isnt going to change what the person did to you ;
yes they might feel yur pain ;
but if you didnt like the pain they gave you ;
why would you want them to go what you went through ?
maybe its just cause yur heart is harden ;
people always wander why bad things happen in this world . . .
its that people just cant love each other ;
just because your life isnt going the way you like ;
doesnt mean you have to ruin someone else's just because someone did you wrong in the past ;
why cant people leave the past in the past ?
what goes around DOES come around ;
so just let karma be ;
why do you have to give someone the karma ?
leave that up to God ;
i mean sometimes it just kills meh how people do me wrong ;
& sometimes it just kills meh not to do anything ;
BUT that doesnt mean i dont or cant stand up for myself ;
best believe i can ;
but sometimes its just bettuh to just walk & just get out of drama ;
maybe i just think these things just because i would like to live in a world thats pefect ;
hmm sometimes i hate facing reality . . .
but maybe when people learn to love each other ;
then there would be world peace !
"don't repay evil for evil. wait for the Lord to handle the matter" - Proverbs 20 : 22


& stay tuned till the next entry . . .

summer oh nine ;

been waiting for this season all year long ;
&& here it is . . .
isnt cracked up to what i wanted it to be ;
isnt summer suppose to be all bout :
getting tan. late night phone calls. shopping. partying. NO drama. going to the beach. chillaxing. traveling. wild 'n out. summer flings ?

no ma'am not my summer . . .
not trying to get darker ;
hmm i do stay up all night but not exciting ;
hard to shop with no $$$ ;
havent been able to go one grad party this year ;
thanks to certain people that cant let things go there seems to be drama in this life of mine BUT i already said bye to it !
thanks to the dirty beach galvanston no sir ;
done a little too MUCH chilling ;
thanks to the recession no wasting $$$ on traveling places ;
thanks to my strict parents none of that ;
dudes are lame & cant see what they missing out on ;

dont have many goals for this summer ;
but here are the few :
1). read ALOT of books to expand on my vocabulary ;
2). get a freaking j.o.b !
3). make reading the bible a daily routine ;

yes those are the ONLY three things i want out of this summer ;
pray for meh that all of these goals come to past ;
please & thank you ;


& stay tuned for the next entry . . .

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

sophomore year ;

hmmm this year as been sumthing else ;
let meh pour out all of my memories . . .
soo the beginning of this skool year ;
i wore weavee for the first timee ;
<--- thats what i wore the first day ;
i was getting it hahaha jk ;
hmm my classes were aight :
i took training first semester && food technology second semester ;
algebra 2 ; sculpture ; world history ap [hardest class EVER !] ; 2nd lunch ; english k ; biology ; 1st semester photo journalism && track the second semester ; [yes that was the order too]
peace get together happened ;
hahaha that was tooo much fun ;
i had fun on labor day celebrating peace's 15th b day ;
haha i met so many different africans ;
yeaa those are few of the many pictuhs i took ;
but that was fun ;
the food was great thanks to faith && her mom ;

then ike happen ;
maynee that was the best vacation
ever ;
late nightss talking on the phone on 3-way to bascially everyoneee ;
hahaha thats when i usedd like quentin ;
[dudee in the white wifebeater]
&& i actually thought maybe just maybee ;
haha not for so long ;
but uhh thats how the hurrican in the looked like right before it came ;

october 1st came around . . .
nigeria's independence day ;
so mehh && rita decide to wear our african attires ;
hahaha manyee did we get many stares at && questions ;
i was a little nervous at first but i had fun at the end ;
kinduh suck only having one other african you kool with at yur skool ;
&& shes a senior . . .
wonder who immuh do it with next year or if im going to do it at all ;
homecomming '08 ;
the homecomming game was fun ;
i think we were aganist cy-springs && i think
we won ;
but correct meh if im wrong ;
so i had four guys that asked meh to be their dates ;
two of them i said yes to && the other two i said no to ;
but in the end i ended up not having NONE ;
no need into getting into details how that all went down ;
but that was a fun night !
you know dancing . . . well actually i didnt dance much but i did here && there ;
but they had good popcorn && cookies . . . yummmmm ;
anyways i remember afterwards me brigette william && crystal [didnt really know her at the time] went to ihop ;
didnt even get to order none because my step mom made me leave && come home early ;
but besides that i had a great day that day !
then it was my birthday ;
october 30th ;
the day i turn 15 . . . hmm i had a great day ;
havent heard the phrase "happy birthday" soo much in my life though ;
william gave meh cupcakes brigette made meh a cookie cake && rita made meh brownies ;
&& some people gave me some dollars here && there ;
i didnt get much but i still had a great day ;
&& i went out to eat w/ the fam at shogun ;
that restuarant has the best fried rice !
football season was out && basketball season was in ;
had fun at all the games i went to ;
at the beginning i was a trainer for gurls but then the coach didnt like meh for a dumb reason so i had to switch ;
it was fun while it lasted though ;
i mean one day i got to miss skool && go to 1st colony mall && went to hightower high skool after the gurls played a game ;
&& there was another time i went to travis high skool && another time went to lamar consolidated ;
&& all the bus rides were fun ;
but then i switched over to the boys team ;
hmmmmmmm i loved training the boys b-ball games ;
there was someone on the sophomore team i liked ;
number 5 ;
wait i think that was his number hahahaha ;
then it was election time ;
wow that was sumthin elseee ;
hahaha so many racist moments ;
realized alot of other people dont respect other peoples opinions ;
well i aint trippen ;
because we ended up winning anywaysss ;
change we believe in ;
people talking bout the world will end when he comes into power ;
talk bout haters ;
barack obama '08 ;
hmmm then it was thanksgiving break ;
stayed with my sistuh during the break ;
hmmm black friday ;
woke up sooo early just for some sales that werent even worth it ;
but uhmmmm i went shopping though ;
got meh some cutee outfits ;
went over to my bestie peace's house for the 1st timeee ;
manyeee she gave meh some smoked turkeyy && it was good !
&& she had the nerve to not bring some more to church lol ;
then it was getting close to christmas ;
haha i remember when i bake cookies from scratch ;
mayneee it turn out good but i prolly put too much flour ;
then finals came . . . only got to exempt one final which was whap ;
hmm but it was a fun week ;
all of them were easy execept for biology ;
hmm i didnt like my semeseter gradess soo i knew i had to work hard during the second semester ;
[that pictuh was of marcellus paris terrance mehh && deonte after finals]
christmas break ;
on christmas we had few familes come over ;
i mean it was straight ;
hmm i got a book 4rm my sister a ipod shuffle from my step mom && $50 from my dad ;
hmmm not much apparently ;
sorta hated the beginning of the break ;
but then again christmas isnt bout gifts ;
but the rest of the break me my sistuh && my dad decide to have a road trip to orlando && miami ;
went to disney world in orlando ;
my dad decided to pick epcot [worse && most boriest park of disney world] ;
me && my sistuh were sorta pist but we made the best out of it ;
&& then went to went to holy land ;
kinduh boring too but oh wells ;
then we went to miami to visit the cuzins ;
had fun with them as alwayss ;
spent new years with them ;
took 17 hours to get back home from miami ;
then i moved houses ;
it was time to move out of my old
house that i lived in for bout
5 years ;
[ longest ive ever stayed in a house ; ]
hmmm i was excited to get out of that neighborhood ;
i mean even though i moved aross the street into a different neighborhood it was still better ;
i hateddd that house ;
too many bad memories in that house ;
from the time i jumped from the top of my house to the bottom of my house to the cops && ambulance coming over another time ;
basketball season was out && track season was in ;
i quit training for basketball to join the track team ;
i wanted to run 400 && mile relay's ;
cause i did that in middle skool && i was good at it too ;
but then i realize i wasnt as good as i was back then ;
so i just ended up being the manager && doing concession stands ;
which didnt last long lol ;
so i was just in the period for no reason bascially ;
but i had fun w/ all the gurls ;
then it was spring break ;
hmm stayed over my sistuhs place again ;
hmm went shopping ;
went to the rodeo for the first time ;
im telling you to try the smoked turkeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ;
ooo i was in heaven while eating that !
had good meals ;
my sistuh knows how to throw down in the kitchen ;
nothing spectular happened but it was kool ;
hmm ashley's b-day party ;
that was fun ;
they had great food ;
but there was drama . . .
no need to say what the drama was ;
all im going to say that is life isnt bettuh when you do unGodly things . . .
then it was taks season ;
ohhh gosh taks is a complete waste of time ;
sit in a room && take a test thats untimed ;
i mean every other test that you take in the future is usually timed ;
so whats the point of taking this test thats too easy untimed ?
makes no sense to mehh ;
the only thing i like bout taks is it helps for yur exemptions ;
i got commended on all taks execpt the science one ;
the science was a killer . . .
&& then there was the ap exam testing . . .
but you should of already seen my entry on that . . .
then it was swine flu . . .
oh Lord ;
what a nightmare ;
soo many different rumors ;
&& guess what ?
the swine flu is just like any other flu ;
that was stupidd ish right there ;
probably did it to take the attention off of this recession we going through ;
but i mean it did work ;
but after some weeks everything went back to normal ;
waste of time && worry . . .
election time again ;
only this time it was for the student body at our skool ;
so i was running for junior class secretary ;
mayneee i worked my butt off to win ;
made six shirts && made 2239482390483209 cup cakess ;
&& posted up big posters around my skool ;
in only to find out that . . . i didnt win ;
but i mean there was like 6 other ppl running so i did have alot of competition ;
sum gurl thats ranked 1st in our class won ;
&& i really wanted to win too ;
to be honest not to try && change the skool ;
just to have something to have on my resume when appling to colleges ;
so the last week of skool came ;
finals && water balloon fightss ;
people who got caught with them && water guns got suspensions && lost exemptions ;
sucked to be them !
i exempted all finals but one [food technology] ;
i ended up having all A's && one B [whap] for the yearly average && for my last six weeks ;
i was actually quite proud of myself ;
but all thanks goes to God ;
had fun during finals week ;
one day got caught leaving the campus ;
had to dip out the ap office as soon as the ap's werent looking ;
wasnt trying to jeopardize my exemptions ;
when comparing this skool year to my freshman year :
ive changed who i hunged out at skool ;
will be changing again since i mostly hunged out with seniors ;
my bestfrand changed thank GOD ;
now they're brigette[left] && peace[right] ;
boy status still the same hahahahahahaha ;
grades have improved ;
motivation to keep doing whats right has increased ;
the way i dressed changedd ;
the way i did my hair changedd && looked better [my opinion] ;
found a new hobby : painting ;
tried alot of new things ;
didnt care what people thought anymore ;
relationship with God became stronger ;
balanced life bettuh ;
&& had a different experience ;
i left out ALOT of thingss ;
but these are the ones that stick out to mehh the most ;
hmmm had a great year overall ;
hope its bettuh for my junior year ;
& stay tuned until the next entry . . .